In Verbindung leben


Alina Sahl

The Practice for Family Counselling and Psychotherapy

Client-centred. Resource-oriented. Holistic.

Good to have you here!


I will help you to achieve a harmonious connection in your family.

I am happy to accompany you with questions about:

  • What can I do for a more harmonious family life?
  • I don’t understand my child – why does he or she have constant tantrums and what can I do to accompany him or her more sensitively?
  • How can I resolve conflicts between my children in an approachable and constructive way?
  • Why does no one listen to me?
  • What can I do if I as a mother am constantly ignored by my children?
  • How can I remain calm and joyful as a mother?

If you now feel that I could help you, then feel free to contact me! If you are unsure or have any questions, please contact me directly via messenger, phone or email.

Psychological counselling

Do you know this? Sometimes everything is too much for you. You want to leave everything behind and flee or you are very argumentative and impulsive. You feel overwhelmed and exhausted. You often clash with your partner and perhaps it is difficult for you to enter into a trusting relationship.

It is often incredibly difficult for us to open up to someone else in these moments. And yet it is precisely these moments from which we can learn and grow. As a psychologist, I accompany and support you in this. In doing so, I place particular emphasis on creating a safe framework for you, in which you feel seen and accepted.

If you now feel that I could help you, then feel free to contact me! If you are unsure or have any questions, please contact me directly via messenger, phone or email.

Integrative psychotherapy

In psychotherapy we have the opportunity to dive deep into your system.

  • Do you feel empty inside?
  • Have you been carrying a feeling of sadness for a long time?
  • Or do you feel overwhelmed by your feelings and prefer to suppress them?
  • Do you have trouble sleeping and often feel insecure and anxious?

All these feelings and behaviours can point to earlier (developmental) traumas.

You want to get to know and understand yourself and your system better? Do you want to become aware of old patterns and look where it hurts? You want to understand your symptoms and start your path to healing.

I invite you to drop your facade and show yourself as you are, with whatever is bothering you at the moment. Underneath all our pain often lies the pain of not being seen. I want to see you.

I look forward to your message!

If you now feel that I could help you, then feel free to contact me! If you are unsure or have any questions, please contact me directly via messenger, phone or email.

About me

My name is Alina. I am a psychologist, alternative practitioner for psychotherapy and trauma therapist.

I had my children during my Master’s degree and have mainly been caring for them myself since their birth – with the support of a nurturing community. Through the births of my children, my worldview has changed. I am a proponent of needs-based parenting, where the needs of all family members are seen. In my family counselling sessions I feel very connected to Jesper Juul’s attitude.

When we start to approach our children with trust, it can change the world!

During my motherhood I have reached my limits several times. The children triggered me with certain behaviours, so that I was permanently annoyed at times and sometimes only felt my role as a mother to be a burden. Through dealing with my own childhood and imprinting, I came to trauma therapy.

(Developmental) trauma can put a great strain on our lives and everyday life. Often we have learned to live with our fears without consciously registering them. So they influence our behaviour, our decisions and our relationships. How much easier our lives would feel without the pressure, tension and fears is something we sometimes can’t even imagine. I believe that we all intuitively strive for healing and that everything you need for this is in your body and mind.

"Feeling connected to ourselves and also to our fellow human beings is the basis for a fulfilled life."


Living in connection – what do I mean by that?

For me it means living with the small and big people around me and solving our conflicts WITHIN each other instead of fighting against each other. When we are in connection with each other, we can see conflict as an opportunity to get to know and understand each other better.

We can move away from fear and into trust with each other. When we feel safe and connected, it is easier for us to give space to our feelings and in turn we can accept our child’s feelings and accompany them more calmly. It means to me that we accept each other unconditionally. We are close to each other, even through difficult phases. Different opinions then do not mean separation and rejection but open up new perspectives and possibilities. We learn to listen to each other openly again and to discuss things together and to find a solution together in which the needs of all involved are seen and taken seriously.

Living in connection with other people requires that I know myself and my needs. That I am connected to myself. Often we lost this connection early on when our needs and feelings were ignored or rejected again and again. But the loving connection to myself is the prerequisite for sustainable relationships on the outside. When I accept myself, I can also accept you as you are and can stop pulling and tugging at you.

When I live in connection with myself and others, I feel connected to life.

My rooms

The practice

Our talks take place in the practice in Lagos or in the midst of nature near Bensafrim.

Practice in Lagos, Barbaleta Institute for Growth

Nature Office




Would you rather walk than sit? Walking in nature can help clear your head and naturally support you in connecting with your body and getting into the flow. Therefore, we are also happy to conduct our talks within the framework of the “Walk’n’Talk” methodology. Its effectiveness is scientifically proven and the Portuguese nature just invites us to walk it.

Contact & My Clients



Feel free to write to me at

We’ll make an appointment for an initial meeting to see how I can help you with your issue.

I look forward to hearing from you!


Tel: +49 1639821081

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Alina Sahl
Familienberatung und -coaching
Hertelstraße 9
12161 Berlin